03-22-2006, 06:18 PM
It is so important to understand the true nature of worship. Our divine function is to worship God. It was what He created us for and it is amply described in Biblical texts how the heavens ring day and night with the sound of worship (Isaiah 6:2-4, Daniel 7:9 & 13-14 and Revelation 4:8-11, 5:9-14. 15:1-4). But perhaps we should also remember that God doesnt need our worship. He has had multitudes of angels worshipping and singing to Him for millennia and in the final analysis, our paltry efforts are barely worth a mention.
One author wrote Man doesnt want God, he needs Him; God doesnt need man, He wants him!. How very true. It is we who must worship for it puts us in a right relationship with our Father God and brings us into that state of humility and veneration that He requires of us.
Flag worship is a profound form of worship. It includes a variety of art forms, other than the obvious use of flags - dance, mime, body language, expression, signalling, colours, etc., etc. Some, or all, of these may be used and so it is probably good for the novice to have an understanding of them in order to maximise their worship.
Songs dont have to be about warfare in order to engage in battle against the powers of darkness. Worship is warfare. When we engage in worship it takes authority over the powers of darkness whilst elevating and praising the Holy name of God the creator. Therefore, when you are using flags to worship bear in mind that you are not only rejoicing in your God, you are engaging in a holy battle. So remember three things -
1. do it with <COLOR color="red">joy</COLOR> - in my opinion, joy is the key. Flag worship should be, if not outright fun, then at least enjoyable. If you dont find joy in worshipping with flags then find some other way to worship that will!
2. do it with <COLOR color="red">energy </COLOR>- put everything youve got into your worship. David did!
(Deut 6:5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.)
3. do it with <COLOR color="red">passion</COLOR>! - chasers after God only succeed when they go after Him with passion. Its the only way to see Gods face.
(Mark 12:30 Jesus replied Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.)
But above all - DO IT!!!
(abstract from "Flag Moves" by J A Fox)
It is so important to understand the true nature of worship. Our divine function is to worship God. It was what He created us for and it is amply described in Biblical texts how the heavens ring day and night with the sound of worship (Isaiah 6:2-4, Daniel 7:9 & 13-14 and Revelation 4:8-11, 5:9-14. 15:1-4). But perhaps we should also remember that God doesnt need our worship. He has had multitudes of angels worshipping and singing to Him for millennia and in the final analysis, our paltry efforts are barely worth a mention.
One author wrote Man doesnt want God, he needs Him; God doesnt need man, He wants him!. How very true. It is we who must worship for it puts us in a right relationship with our Father God and brings us into that state of humility and veneration that He requires of us.
Flag worship is a profound form of worship. It includes a variety of art forms, other than the obvious use of flags - dance, mime, body language, expression, signalling, colours, etc., etc. Some, or all, of these may be used and so it is probably good for the novice to have an understanding of them in order to maximise their worship.
Songs dont have to be about warfare in order to engage in battle against the powers of darkness. Worship is warfare. When we engage in worship it takes authority over the powers of darkness whilst elevating and praising the Holy name of God the creator. Therefore, when you are using flags to worship bear in mind that you are not only rejoicing in your God, you are engaging in a holy battle. So remember three things -
1. do it with <COLOR color="red">joy</COLOR> - in my opinion, joy is the key. Flag worship should be, if not outright fun, then at least enjoyable. If you dont find joy in worshipping with flags then find some other way to worship that will!
2. do it with <COLOR color="red">energy </COLOR>- put everything youve got into your worship. David did!
(Deut 6:5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.)
3. do it with <COLOR color="red">passion</COLOR>! - chasers after God only succeed when they go after Him with passion. Its the only way to see Gods face.
(Mark 12:30 Jesus replied Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.)
But above all - DO IT!!!
(abstract from "Flag Moves" by J A Fox)