A lovely, graceful interpretation.....and very nice song
Such a stark setting. I always mourn for congregations that have to meet in industrial or academic settings....the environment is so bare and cold.
As beautiful as the flag piece was, how much more it could be with a whole glorious setting a round it.
<FONT font="Times"><SIZE size="4">Well, it's a school for cognitive teaching for learning disabled young adults. So it has all the amenities which is nice. It's also a Christian school which is great! But you're right, it is bare and sometimes they put up a big stage in that hall for various theatrical events they put on. We just have to worship around all that.
But I think the hall is lovely with all the natural beech cladding. And it isn't all that much different to Hope Church where I went before. That was carpet and bare brick. Nothing 'churchy' about it at all. Not even a cross.</FONT>