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ButterNut Cake

2 sticks oleo or butter at room temp

1/2 C. Crisco

3 C. sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

Cream above ingredients together

5 eggs

1 C. milk

3 C. flour

Blend eggs & milk. Alternately add to creamed mixture with the flour.

1/2 C. chopped nuts

1/2 bottle Vanilla & Butternut Flavoring (about 5 tsp.)

Fold in nuts and flavoring. Fold into floured tube pan. (Do not grease). Place in a COLD OVEN and set to 325 degrees. After 1 hour and 45 minutes, remove from oven and cool in pan.

Overturn onto flat plate and dust with powdered sugar. I promise you, you can not stop eating this, it has such a spectacular flavor and texture.