03-01-2007, 04:41 PM
Quote:<COLOR color="red">Chat Time Changed--April 2010</COLOR><CENTER>
ZFF Chats are on Fridays at 9:00pm forum time.
</CENTER>Other times by appointment or invitation, of course.
Always check for the current week's chat time in this topic. The 9pn time should be consistent for a season with Dean's current work schedule.
Even if you are late coming, check into the room anyway. We plan for the chats to last about an hour or so, but often some will stay and continue on for longer than that. If you can't arrange your schedule for this time, just mark it in your datebook for next Friday.
All chats will be held in the private chat room.
<SIZE size="4">Forum time is GMT-6, or CT (Central Time)
If you don't see your time zone here, please post so we can add it in:
<SIZE size="2">At <COLOR color="crimson">9:00 pm CDST</COLOR><COLOR color="crimson"> (Kansas City, Dallas, Chicago)
Your corresponding time is:
PerthAustralia - Western AustraliaSat 10:00 AM WST
RomeItalySat 4:00 AM CEST *
LondonU.K. - EnglandSat 3:00 AM BST *
Los AngelesU.S.A. - CaliforniaFri 7:00 PM PDT *
DenverU.S.A. - ColoradoFri 8:00 PM MDT *
Kansas CityU.S.A. - MissouriFri 9:00 PM CDT *
New YorkU.S.A. - New YorkFri 10:00 PM EDT *</COLOR>
Calculations made here: <URL url="http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/personal.html?cities=196,215,136,137,75,405,179"><LINK_TEXT text="http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/p ... 75,405,179">http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/pers...,137,75,405,179</LINK_TEXT>
We will readjust this for Daylight Saving time come March and April, as the various countries apply DST.
Not sure about the time zone thing? We've installed a forum clock, so that you can always check the current Kansas City time before clicking into the chat. It's located in the upper left of your screen, just below the banner area.
Please familiarize yourself with our chatroom before the chat time to make sure you can get in. If you would like to look at a short tutorial check our <URL url="http://zionfirefriends.com/index.php?showtopic=1470">HELP TOPIC on the chatroom.
If you come for the chat and have trouble getting in the room, use the shoutbox to tell us. We will monitor that during the chat in case anyone needs assistance.
We always have a lively time, so please join us. If you are guest reading this, you have plenty of time to register before the chat, so don't be shy! We'd love to meet you.
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