04-01-2007, 11:11 PM
O Come and Mourn with Me Awhile
Holy Week calls us to watch as the Lord of Life walks obediently into the greedy arms of death. Each year we identify again with those who betray Jesus, those who wash their hands of the whole affair, and those who observe in fear from a distance. Hopefully, we also identify more and more each year with Christ's willing offering of his life. The relentless phrase Jesus, our Lord, is crucified is amplified with personal reflections on the crucifixion: A broken heart, a fount of tears, Ask, and they will not be denied; a broken heart love's cradle is. May Jesus' crucifixion break our hearts again so that love may be born in us anew.
LISTEN: <URL url="http://www.chantcd.com/lyrics/o_come_and_mourn.mid">http://www.chantcd.com/lyrics/o_come_and_mourn.mid
O come and mourn with me awhile;
O come now to the Saviour's side;
O come, together let us mourn;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
Have we no tears to shed for Him,
While soldiers scoff and foes deride?
Ah! look how patiently He hangs;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
Seven times he spake, seven words of love;
And all three hours His silence cried
For mercy on the souls of all;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
A broken heart, a fount of tears,
ask, and they will not be denied;
a broken heart love's cradle is:
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
O love of God! O sin of man!
In this dread act your strength is tried;
and victory remains with love;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
Holy Week calls us to watch as the Lord of Life walks obediently into the greedy arms of death. Each year we identify again with those who betray Jesus, those who wash their hands of the whole affair, and those who observe in fear from a distance. Hopefully, we also identify more and more each year with Christ's willing offering of his life. The relentless phrase Jesus, our Lord, is crucified is amplified with personal reflections on the crucifixion: A broken heart, a fount of tears, Ask, and they will not be denied; a broken heart love's cradle is. May Jesus' crucifixion break our hearts again so that love may be born in us anew.
LISTEN: <URL url="http://www.chantcd.com/lyrics/o_come_and_mourn.mid">http://www.chantcd.com/lyrics/o_come_and_mourn.mid
O come and mourn with me awhile;
O come now to the Saviour's side;
O come, together let us mourn;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
Have we no tears to shed for Him,
While soldiers scoff and foes deride?
Ah! look how patiently He hangs;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
Seven times he spake, seven words of love;
And all three hours His silence cried
For mercy on the souls of all;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
A broken heart, a fount of tears,
ask, and they will not be denied;
a broken heart love's cradle is:
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
O love of God! O sin of man!
In this dread act your strength is tried;
and victory remains with love;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.