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03-30-2007, 06:43 AM 06:43 AM
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Sylvia's Signature
<r><COLOR color="darkblue"><s></s><SIZE size="3"><s></s>In His Grace and Joy,<e></e></SIZE><br/>
<SIZE size="8"><s></s>Sylvia<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR><br/>
<COLOR color="darkgreen"><s></s> ---<---<---<e></e></COLOR><COLOR color="darkred"><s></s>@<e></e></COLOR></r>
<SIZE size="8"><s></s>Sylvia<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR><br/>
<COLOR color="darkgreen"><s></s> ---<---<---<e></e></COLOR><COLOR color="darkred"><s></s>@<e></e></COLOR></r>