Paul Wilbur concert - Canfield OH - Printable Version

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Paul Wilbur concert - Canfield OH - HelenaZF - 05-26-2012

<URL url="http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.455047181172835.109216.262060000471555&type=3"><IMG content="http://z4.ifrm.com/12415/42/0/p1056797/touchheaven.png">[Image: touchheaven.png]

<SMALL>[small](Click image to go to concert pix)[/small]</SMALL>

<BIG>[big]<BIG>[big]Paul Wilbur Open Heavens Concert June 9[/big]</BIG>[/big]</BIG>


Touch Heaven Canfield Church

10 Skyline Drive

Canfield, OH 44406

<URL url="http://www.touchheavencanfieldchurch.com">www.touchheavencanfieldchurch.com

Doors open at 6:00 PM

Concert begins at 7:00 PM

I'll be participating in the Paul Wilbur concert at Touch Heaven church in Canfield, OH on June 9th.

Pastors are Frank Amedia and Reuven Doron. I understand they are expecting a packed house, but that reservations can still be made.

Not sure whether I will be bringing some banners or not, but definitely will be dancing with Sae Reese's team and waving a fire flag!

Paul Wilbur concert - Canfield OH - HelenaZF - 06-14-2012

It was a glorious weekend, with a powerful time of worship celebrating the dedication of a new work that is only 7 weeks old at this time. We joined Paul Wilbur for a concert on Saturday evening, and continued ministry on Sunday morning where he brought a word to the congregation.

The work had to do with the call on the Church to be a modern day Esther and intercede on behalf of Israel to thwart the plans of the spirit of Haman to destroy the Jewish people.

I had some great banner bearers, and we used the Seven Spirit banners to do an intepretation of Paul Wilbur's "Let Your Fire Fall".

This is a picture taken just before the concert began (click for a larger view):

<URL url="http://z4.ifrm.com/30121/36/0/p1132531/touchheavenConcert.png"><IMG content="http://z4.ifrm.com/30121/36/0/p1132531/touchheavenConcert.png" height="320" img="480,320" width="480">[Image: touchheavenConcert.png]

The banners on the walls are by Stan Shaffer, and represent the tribes of Israel.

Photos can be seen in the church's Facebook gallery:

<URL url="http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.455047181172835.109216.262060000471555&type=3">[url]<LINK_TEXT text="http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 555&type=3">http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.455047181172835.109216.262060000471555&type=3</LINK_TEXT>[/url]

(Banner procession from Sunday morning starts at picture 440)

Paul Wilbur concert - Canfield OH - HelenaZF - 08-23-2012

You can watch a bit of video (7 minutes) from the conference here:

<URL url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bz534w-ag8&feature=youtu.be">[url]<LINK_TEXT text="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bz534w- ... e=youtu.be">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bz534w-ag8&feature=youtu.be</LINK_TEXT>[/url]

There is a section of the processional I did with the Seven Spirits banners that starts at about 3:20

<FLASH height="420" url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bz534w-ag8" width="500">[flash=500,420]<URL url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bz534w-ag8">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bz534w-ag8[/flash]</FLASH>