Hebrew online bible resources -
Dave - 06-06-2006
If you ever need to check out the original Hebrew, these web sites may be useful. I've included the two sites previously mentioned as they both contain Hebrew resources.
<URL url="http://www.levsoftware.com/verses.htm">
http://www.levsoftware.com/verses.htm - Hebrew, Hebrew translitteration, and English
<URL url="http://bible.ort.org">
http://bible.ort.org - Hebrew, Hebrew translitteration, and English for the Torah and some of the prophets
<URL url="http://www.mechon-mamre.org">
http://www.mechon-mamre.org - Hebrew and English
<URL url="http://www.cvkimball.com/Tanach/Tanach.xml">
http://www.cvkimball.com/Tanach/Tanach.xml - Hebrew
<URL url="http://www.biblegateway.com">
http://www.biblegateway.com - includes a Hebrew bible
<URL url="http://bible.crosswalk.com">
http://bible.crosswalk.com - includes Hebrew and English (look under interlinear bible), also Strong's Hebrew lexicon
If you know of any more, please post them here.