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Combat boots for worship? Nah. Me? I only wear them when I want to dress up.
As for human video? Ack. :blink: Blecch. The face has better things to do than lip synch. That's akin to gum chewing w...
This past Friday in the chatroom, beside the normal silliness, arose the subject of worship.
It seems there are some who don't differentiate between praise and worship. There have been concerns in...
:up: Great smilies! This could be fun. :jester:
Looks good to me! I'm impressed by the work you've put into the site. For someone who was never computer literate, Helena, you have left me in the dust!!!
It's been a while since I've really browse...
I dunno...I got pretty hot AND sweaty dancing in Israel.
I do have to echo something Helena said about appropriate dress. The worst thing I've seen in dance troups is where everyone tries to dress...
:hyper: You might want to get there early to get a good seat...last night we had to add a back row! The OHO crowd tends to be Johnny Come Lately so I look for it to fill up by 4:15.
Jeremiah is a ...
I'm looking forward to seeing you and Dean, Helena.
The first night went really well! Dean's reading is a great addition.
All in all, I'm so proud of my cast. The Lord has really been working amon...
Hey there...long time no hear from me. Sorry. I've been keeping really busy. This weekend...Dec. 15, 16 and 17 we will be performing the updated version of First Nights of Hanukkah at Or Ha Olam Messi...
I'm learning what an ongoing process writing is. I have just finished the third revision of Please Say Kaddish For Me. I have an editor of sorts, she's not a professional editor but a sharp lady who i...
Hey Krista!
Nice to read your voice! Seems that everytime I make it out to your church you're not there. How are you doing?
Yeah DH was a wild ride but the upside is the good people that I met in...
Hey Margolit,
Welcome! You and I have something in common. I'm dance co-leader at a small Messianic synagogue in Kansas City! Barukh Haba-ah!
Sorry I've left y'all in the lurch as far as the writing. Actually Kvetch has read the first draft of the novel and has a copy of the second.
About three fourths of the way through writing the nov...
I'm part of the dance team leadership at our Messianic Synagogue, Or Ha Olam in Overland Park, KS. Our worship time is awesome! I've never been in a 'church' quite like this before!
With our new te...
:tallit: I am starting this thread at Helena's urging. I'm not sure where to begin and have been so busy with writing that I haven't been here for a while.
The play was called "The First Nights of...
You can also use 2T of lime juice which gives it an interesting flavor that my husband likes better than the original. It's also a great dip for Fritos. How's that for a culinary oxymoron?
:pigfly: I'm so excited to see familiar names here! Hello to David, Juliette, Nola, Francesca and Sae! Brings back happy memories and the good that can come know.
Rochelle here! ...