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The "song for the year" for me personally was Heather Clark's "Undivided Focus".
(she is a Canadian worship leader)
The words: "Holy Spirit I surrender, to You,
Holy Spirit, I ...
I'm fairly new here at Zion Friends, but it was the 'friends' part that drew me in and brought a breath of fresh air to my often world-weary soul.
To tentatively dip my toes into a River of refresh...
Hi again...
been a looong time...
As a worshiper, i long for those times of corporate worship (even 2 or 3 will suffice) where we get our spirit ahead of our flesh and head.
Come into an awaren...
Hi Psalmistc
Hope that when the kids aren't hogging the computer and you feel up to it; you can come visit here at Zion Fire Friends. (having a houseful of teenagers myself, I pretty much have to b...
I have had the same experience as Flaglady many times, where I've been in a position of needing to follow through and lead worship despite that I feel ill and can hardly sing (or dance/banners).... ye...
I don't pretend to know the first thing about being on a forum such as this, but, I trust the administrator's perseverance in bailing me out if I get stuck.
My worship background?
Been loving J...
thanks, Dean!
I know I'll be around; maybe not as much as I'd like.
But I've done that cool-nifty 'add to favourites' thing, so I shall return!
(p.s; what's the 'feeb' th...
Thank-you, Helena, for sharing the quote from Fuschia Pickett.
It is one I have read before, but appreciate hearing again.
I LOVE the analogy of the 'bouquet' of flowers.
The whole 'receiving co...
Plastic/phoney flowers... yes...
I shall endeavor to hand those over to the Lord as well.
When I've been on the giving side of this desire to express my gratitude for someone's ministry gift...