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<COLOR color="#9300C4">Those the Lord has rescued will return.
They will enter Zion with singing;
everlasting joy will crown their heads.
Gladness and joy will overtake them,
A little update on me.
It seems my ministry of flags was to be short-lived. It started around 1999 and reached it's peak in 2006. At that time, I left the church I was in but despite searching, ha...
What a lovely story, Zena! How short sighted that rich man was and didn't he fail to receive the blessing of seeing the richness in the message of that banner!
May I also compliment you on you...
That is BEAUtiful, Zena!
What a gifted lady you are!
Lovely piece of work, there, Dean!
I saw someone making flames out of the tinsel scrap - you know those long strips of thin metal with holes puched in it. This was the type with very small holes. She had taken a cut of this stuff and t...
That all sounds really good! I was interested in the shofar stuff. I'm trying to find other women who have/are using a shofar. Was there any at this conference or were the shofar blowers all male?
Nah! That looks more like a Moderator's hat!!!
Well, this stuff isn't either sharp or brittle. In fact I think it might even be plastic based, come to think of it!
Dean, I think you could be right!!! :slingshot:
Oh wow! But one didn't reveal itself! :-((
Amen to that!<IMG content="">[Image:]<IMG content="http://i21.photobucke...
Well, I've learned two new things reading this thread!
1. I'd never heard the term "extravagant worship" before but I know that's what I do! My flag worship often reduces me to pulp after a particu...
Dear visitor - welcome to ZionFireFriends. We hope you enjoy browsing around the various topics and delving into our experiences in use of the arts in worship. There's a great collection of informatio...
I think your new smileys are great! Thank yiu for your hard work. My sister (age 74) has just created a forum and I've seen what goes into it.
Bless you!!
I think it is really, really lovely! And what a labour for you - can't thank you enough. I think it's a lot clearer than it used to be. Thank you so much.
I use this all the time and it's really good. You can choose to view a verse or verses or a whole chapter around your keyword. Highly recommended!
Great article, Helena!
I have named my house Obed-Edom because when I was about to move in, I read how "The Lord blessed his house and everything in it" I thought - yes, please Lord - that's for me!
This set of videos is a must! The worship leader, of course, is the man himself from Brownsville, Pensecola. He has some canny things to say about the do's and don'ts of leading worship, things he doe...
Did you know about this event? This guy - calls himself The Shofar Man - has been sending me info about it and I joined in with the world wide shofar blow! Neat idea!
He sent this circular email ab...
September 25-28, I think! You can read the testimonies <URL url="">here..
Sorry for not giving more information but I really thought you'd have a...
I so agree about Joe Brown - I got his video and it gave me so many tips about running a workshop my first time out!
I have his link on my website as I think it's ace - both his website and his ministry!!!
And ain't it nice to see chaps involved in flags as well as us gals!
Also take a look at <URL url="htt...