Search Results
Sorry - I've only just found this - (bad flaglady!!)
I so loved that little parable, Dean. Wonderful! I so clearly remember being early to church one time and finding the pastor walking round the m...
That is BEAUtiful, Zena!
What a gifted lady you are!
<COLOR color="#9300C4">Those the Lord has rescued will return.
They will enter Zion with singing;
everlasting joy will crown their heads.
Gladness and joy will overtake them,
No, I haven't. Haven't seen him around here much, either!
Just wanted to wish everyone a very happy and blessed Christmas and a similarly joyous New Year!!
<IMG content="">[Image: http://i...
A conference I was at had a prophesy given in the morning session about Israel (or is it Palestine - I can never remember - sorry!) and in the afternoon session they had a whole group of ladies with g...
Oh it was directly from the morning prophecy. I wish I could remember it for you but that was the only conference that wasn't videoed in full. Prior to that, I have all the vids of the entire sessions...
Okay - have you done the plot or created the characters?
I have this cd-rom with a pro-former for writing. Bought it in a weak moment and found it was a total nonsense - so I think I'll sell it on ...
What a lovely story, Zena! How short sighted that rich man was and didn't he fail to receive the blessing of seeing the richness in the message of that banner!
May I also compliment you on you...
Well, I guess in essence they're not wrong but rather taking it to extreme! In my book I use half a page for health and safety, urging people to employ a sense of responsibility when using flags as th...
You're a great writer, Helena. Have you ever thought of putting all this in a book?
A little update on me.
It seems my ministry of flags was to be short-lived. It started around 1999 and reached it's peak in 2006. At that time, I left the church I was in but despite searching, ha...
Gosh - awesome words!
I saw that banner on your website and thought it was totally awesome! Breathtaking, in fact!
Do you always have helpers for your banner making or do you do some of them single handed?
I have a ...
Helena - where do you get these from - I can hardly draw breath!!!<IMG content="">[Image:
For the Audience of One: The Soul Survivor Guide to Worship (Soul Survivor Guide to Worship) ~Mike Pilavachi, et al
Just finished reading this book and it's a really good, teaching read. It focusse...
Ace, Dean!! How I felt that all through the eight hours of Calling all Nations! Hours of close ups of guitars, bopping singers or people standing motionless with eyes closed, one hopes having a wonder...
excellent info, Helena. But what I'd really like to know is where you got all those great smilies from!?? Link, please?
Sorry I'm rather tardy with this - but thank you!!! :snoopy:
Excellent advice, Helena! Never thought of using alt-characters!
You can also check your password on this <URL url="">site
Ace, Helena, that's all I wanted to know. Thanks and blessings!
Dear Helena
Do you have to back up your forum in case of catastrophies? If not, do you know if your server backs it up. And if they do, will they reinstate this forum for you?
I ask because my ...
September 25-28, I think! You can read the testimonies <URL url="">here..
Sorry for not giving more information but I really thought you'd have a...
Did you know about this event? This guy - calls himself The Shofar Man - has been sending me info about it and I joined in with the world wide shofar blow! Neat idea!
He sent this circular email ab...