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Well, folks, we had our second rehearsal yesterday and now I'm really panicking! Still only six volunteers but we had the local paper come and take a photo which will be in tomorrow hopefull, asking f...
Thanks for your words of encouragement, Helena. It really means a lot to me! :snoopy:
Had another rehearsal with my principal dancer this afternoon. She's really coming along fine despite my limitations as a teacher and my limitations vis a vis my bad knee!
Today I had to demonstrat...
I just felt compelled to share this with you all - and please dont think I'm boasting or anything, I'm really rejoicing in the blessing I have received from the Lord. I never cease to be amazed at the...
DeanZF,May 11 2006, 03:40 PM Wrote:Don't fret the size thing. Just so long as it's for Him, and at His behest, you shan't be noticed at all. That's a good thing! All to Him, m'dear, all to Him
Oh, I d...
This is a sad, sad day. <IMG content="">[Image:]I've had to cancel this pro...
Fantastic, Dean. That was really interesting. I shall be back for more ...
(And thank you for your teaching the other night - I am still practicing but not good enough to do a tape yet!)
Really good stuff, Dean. i have enjoyed the reading so much!
I had to laugh though - I just played your three sound shots again and my cats got really spooked! They rushed around the room l...