Search Results
ooh....lentils and lamb sound really good. :yum:
Measure Those Who Worship
Francis Frangipane
"Then there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, 'Get up and measure the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship in ...
I don't think you can consider every act of your life to be "worship". I think worship has to be intentional and attentional. I don't see how you can be worshipping if your mind and actions are fo...
I found this opinion that seems to say that traditional churches can't be communities and are not the way church was originally intended to be. I wonder about that because it seems like lots of peopl...
Dave,Sep 14 2006, 09:20 PM Wrote:In performance, there is frequently an interaction between performer and audience, such that those watching are "drawn in" to what's being danced and can identify with...
What is the difference between a pentecostal and a charismatic? Don't they both believe in the operation of spiritual gifts?
Is everybody celebrating the 12 days of Christmas? :xmastree: (closest thing to a pear tree in the list!)
Have a great Christmas, everyone! :xmasyay:
I think that people who dance with flags and do other visual presentations are worship leaders too. You might not be leading the song, but you are leading people's hearts toward the Lord.
Sometimes I see people trying to 'do it all' in the church and I wonder if it is a quest for approval of people, or if it is some kind of self-atonement offering because of sins they think they have t...
Hi everybody,
I haven't posted anything for a long time, but I like to come and read often. I was really happy to see this new forum, because these are things I have questions about.
The topic ab...
Thanks, I like the idea of starting with shabbat. I will check out that book that was recommended.
But also, I'm learning a lot just from reading the other topics in this forum. It's really helpin...
I came here and read for a long time before I registered. Sometimes it takes a while before you know if you want to join a forum or not, and it helps to be able to read the discussions before you dec...
Some music leaders play the piano while they lead, some the guitar. Some don't play an instrument at all, but depend on other musicians to play the instruments behind them as they lead just with thei...
Wow....very nice work. The wood is beautiful and the picture is so clear you can almost feel the smoothness of the wood. May I ask a question? Is the holly significant to the message of the advent w...