Rochelle's Writing Endeavors
05-24-2006, 01:21 PM
Sorry I've left y'all in the lurch as far as the writing. Actually Kvetch has read the first draft of the novel and has a copy of the second.
About three fourths of the way through writing the novel, which is entitled "Please Say Kaddish for Me", I realized that this is a different story. It's not about the people in the play after all.
The next two paragraphs are what I have written as part of my query letter to send to literary agents and/or publishers.
When her family is brutally murdered before her eyes in turn of the century Eastern Europe, for no reason other than that they are Jews, Rabbi Cohens daughter, Khavah, barely escapes with her life and her secret.
Please Say Kaddish for Me which could be dubbed Yentl Meets the Dark Side of Fiddler on the Roof is the story of Khavah Cohen, a Jewish girl of great strength and determination with an unheard of education. Following her narrow escape from the burning ruins of Natalya, her village in Moldavia, a kind family in a village called Svechka takes her in. Life becomes complicated when she falls in love with the rabbis son who is promised to her adopted sister. After his wedding, Khavah leaves Svechka and goes to Kishinev, the Capitol City of Moldavia, where she finds employment as a housekeeper for a German music teacher who befriends her and teaches her more than she ever expected to learn. The story follows Khavah through the Kishinev pogrom of 1903, one of the bloodiest tragedies in Jewish history, prior to the Nazi Holocaust.
Yes, I have started the sequel, "To Everything a Purpose Under Heaven"...right now it's waiting on the shelf until I return from Israel in 2 weeks! :tallit:
I don't really have an official website as of yet. My nephew started one for me but there isn't much there since I wasn't sure what I wanted to say.
I can say that writing is one of the most exciting things I've ever done!
Prayers appreciate for the right editor and publisher.
About three fourths of the way through writing the novel, which is entitled "Please Say Kaddish for Me", I realized that this is a different story. It's not about the people in the play after all.
The next two paragraphs are what I have written as part of my query letter to send to literary agents and/or publishers.
When her family is brutally murdered before her eyes in turn of the century Eastern Europe, for no reason other than that they are Jews, Rabbi Cohens daughter, Khavah, barely escapes with her life and her secret.
Please Say Kaddish for Me which could be dubbed Yentl Meets the Dark Side of Fiddler on the Roof is the story of Khavah Cohen, a Jewish girl of great strength and determination with an unheard of education. Following her narrow escape from the burning ruins of Natalya, her village in Moldavia, a kind family in a village called Svechka takes her in. Life becomes complicated when she falls in love with the rabbis son who is promised to her adopted sister. After his wedding, Khavah leaves Svechka and goes to Kishinev, the Capitol City of Moldavia, where she finds employment as a housekeeper for a German music teacher who befriends her and teaches her more than she ever expected to learn. The story follows Khavah through the Kishinev pogrom of 1903, one of the bloodiest tragedies in Jewish history, prior to the Nazi Holocaust.
Yes, I have started the sequel, "To Everything a Purpose Under Heaven"...right now it's waiting on the shelf until I return from Israel in 2 weeks! :tallit:
I don't really have an official website as of yet. My nephew started one for me but there isn't much there since I wasn't sure what I wanted to say.
I can say that writing is one of the most exciting things I've ever done!
Prayers appreciate for the right editor and publisher.
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