Let Your Fire Fall - Pentecost Pageantry
06-02-2009, 11:45 AM
Sometimes, a little germ of an idea turns out to be much more than one could ever imagine.
For Pentecost, this year, our small team prepared an interpretation of Paul Wilbur's Let Your Fire Fall, from the CD Holy Fire. We've done this piece many times previously, but always with the full set of 7 Spirits banners and it was a big production. In our particular church space, such a big expression is not practical. So we needed a fresh way to still do the piece with power, but scaled to our physical space and size of our team.
What we did was to do the piece in 3 parts: The first 2 verses, I danced with a large fire flag in solo interpretation. Then the Spirit of the Lord banner processed to it's position on the platform. Last, two dancers brought in one of our 30-foot fire silks and stretched it across the front of the church. I danced under and around the billowing silk and it was released over me to fall gracefully to the ground at the end of the piece... let your fire fall.....
Simple, right? But with a little twist, so to speak...
Navigating a 30 foot length of fabric up a center aisle and making a turn to get the silk positioned across the front is awkward at best. I saw a picture in my mind of the two silk bearer winding themselves into the center of the silk, completely enveloping their bodies and bring the silk up the aisle that way. We worked out the logistics and timing, and at the words "come and glorify Your Name"....the dancers turned outward, unrolling the silk and began their billows.
It was a dramatic way to reveal the silk....but it was more than that. The message for the day was about the scrolls in the book of Revelation. And a connection was made to believers as living scrolls...with destiny written within that must be opened and unfurled in order to fulfill Gods' purpose for our lives. And that the same Lamb/Lion that was worthy to open the scroll in Revelation had the power to break the seals on our "scrolls".
It became clear that God had not just given me a clever dramatic device--it was much more. Our choreography was the picture of the "living scrolls" unrolled in the presence of the Holy Spirit. And the fire silk, which represents the Spirit and fire and life of God, expanded in a huge explosion of wind and life as it billowed, filling the space with its magnificence. That part was a picture of how huge the impact of our sanctified lives can be.
Something happened to the viewers of that imagery as well.....God awakened sanctified imaginations to see into the Kingdom. To see the bigness of God and the searing life that can result when we open our lives to Him. And all from a simple choreographic that was devised (seeminly) to solve an awkward traffic problem. God is so awesome, is He not?
If you'd like to listen to Let Your Fire Fall, you may do so here in the <URL url="http://zionfirefriends.com/index.php?showtopic=1890">members audio library.
CD: Let Your Fire Fall, Paul Wilbur <URL url="http://www.amazon.com/Holy-Fire-Paul-Wilbur/dp/B0002BNYVY/?tag=zionf-20">Holy Fire
For Pentecost, this year, our small team prepared an interpretation of Paul Wilbur's Let Your Fire Fall, from the CD Holy Fire. We've done this piece many times previously, but always with the full set of 7 Spirits banners and it was a big production. In our particular church space, such a big expression is not practical. So we needed a fresh way to still do the piece with power, but scaled to our physical space and size of our team.
What we did was to do the piece in 3 parts: The first 2 verses, I danced with a large fire flag in solo interpretation. Then the Spirit of the Lord banner processed to it's position on the platform. Last, two dancers brought in one of our 30-foot fire silks and stretched it across the front of the church. I danced under and around the billowing silk and it was released over me to fall gracefully to the ground at the end of the piece... let your fire fall.....
Simple, right? But with a little twist, so to speak...
Navigating a 30 foot length of fabric up a center aisle and making a turn to get the silk positioned across the front is awkward at best. I saw a picture in my mind of the two silk bearer winding themselves into the center of the silk, completely enveloping their bodies and bring the silk up the aisle that way. We worked out the logistics and timing, and at the words "come and glorify Your Name"....the dancers turned outward, unrolling the silk and began their billows.
It was a dramatic way to reveal the silk....but it was more than that. The message for the day was about the scrolls in the book of Revelation. And a connection was made to believers as living scrolls...with destiny written within that must be opened and unfurled in order to fulfill Gods' purpose for our lives. And that the same Lamb/Lion that was worthy to open the scroll in Revelation had the power to break the seals on our "scrolls".
It became clear that God had not just given me a clever dramatic device--it was much more. Our choreography was the picture of the "living scrolls" unrolled in the presence of the Holy Spirit. And the fire silk, which represents the Spirit and fire and life of God, expanded in a huge explosion of wind and life as it billowed, filling the space with its magnificence. That part was a picture of how huge the impact of our sanctified lives can be.
Something happened to the viewers of that imagery as well.....God awakened sanctified imaginations to see into the Kingdom. To see the bigness of God and the searing life that can result when we open our lives to Him. And all from a simple choreographic that was devised (seeminly) to solve an awkward traffic problem. God is so awesome, is He not?
If you'd like to listen to Let Your Fire Fall, you may do so here in the <URL url="http://zionfirefriends.com/index.php?showtopic=1890">members audio library.
CD: Let Your Fire Fall, Paul Wilbur <URL url="http://www.amazon.com/Holy-Fire-Paul-Wilbur/dp/B0002BNYVY/?tag=zionf-20">Holy Fire
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