ZFF member sites
02-27-2006, 10:03 PM
ZionFireFriends! Please start a new thread that you can build with as much information as you like to talk about your ministry and what you are offering. This posting is not meant to be comprehensive description of ministries, but just be a list of our member websites. I've locked this thread, so you'll have to start your own!
Check out these websites of our ZFF ministries!
<URL url="http://members.aol.com/actsofprze/">Acts of Praise Christian Banner Ministry
Kay & Pete Williams are known for producing the glorious banner pageantry at the annual Feast of Tabernacles Celebration in Jerusalem.
<URL url="http://www.bonasdancesite.homestead.com/index.html">Dance in Christian Worship Bona Gerrie has website full of helpful resources for dancers, which also includes a message board. She is also the host of the web ring you see linked at the bottom of our pages.
<URL url="http://www.flagsforworship.co.uk/index.html">Flags for Worship Banners for Praise
Jo Fox worships with flags, and her colorful website offers many resources and helpful information.
<URL url="http://www.heavens-workshop.com/">Heaven's Workshop Dance resources
Sandy Knoerr makes worship garments and and offers dance resources like themed streamers, tabrets, and billow fabrics.
<URL url="http://www.ildf.org/">International Liturgical Dance Fellowship Dr. Franca and ILDF teach, host and promote dance ministry classes, workshops, retreats, conferences, worship services, celebrations, warfare strategies, prayer networks, and much more for the continual progression of the ministry of liturgical dance worldwide.
<URL url="http://www.resTorah.com/">resTorah On-Line Magazine
Ben Davis has extensive background as a graphic artist and is also a gifted banner maker, environment designer and event producer.
<URL url="http://z3.invisionfree.com/Talk_Jesus/index.php">Talk Jesus Deeper Still administers a chat, bible study and fellowship forum for those looking to become part of a caring online Christian community.
<URL url="http://www.t2chk.org">Titus 2 Christian Homekeeper Ministry Christian Support for Women
Sylvia and co-laborer Traci Knoppe and our husbands Mark and Mark have been online offering help, encouragement and instruction to women for 9 years.
<URL url="http://www.zionfire.com/">ZionFire Visual & Worship Arts ministry.
Dean & Helena Thomas are known for the ZionFire banners, psalmic worship leading and teaching.
Check out these websites of our ZFF ministries!
<URL url="http://members.aol.com/actsofprze/">Acts of Praise Christian Banner Ministry
Kay & Pete Williams are known for producing the glorious banner pageantry at the annual Feast of Tabernacles Celebration in Jerusalem.
<URL url="http://www.bonasdancesite.homestead.com/index.html">Dance in Christian Worship Bona Gerrie has website full of helpful resources for dancers, which also includes a message board. She is also the host of the web ring you see linked at the bottom of our pages.
<URL url="http://www.flagsforworship.co.uk/index.html">Flags for Worship Banners for Praise
Jo Fox worships with flags, and her colorful website offers many resources and helpful information.
<URL url="http://www.heavens-workshop.com/">Heaven's Workshop Dance resources
Sandy Knoerr makes worship garments and and offers dance resources like themed streamers, tabrets, and billow fabrics.
<URL url="http://www.ildf.org/">International Liturgical Dance Fellowship Dr. Franca and ILDF teach, host and promote dance ministry classes, workshops, retreats, conferences, worship services, celebrations, warfare strategies, prayer networks, and much more for the continual progression of the ministry of liturgical dance worldwide.
<URL url="http://www.resTorah.com/">resTorah On-Line Magazine
Ben Davis has extensive background as a graphic artist and is also a gifted banner maker, environment designer and event producer.
<URL url="http://z3.invisionfree.com/Talk_Jesus/index.php">Talk Jesus Deeper Still administers a chat, bible study and fellowship forum for those looking to become part of a caring online Christian community.
<URL url="http://www.t2chk.org">Titus 2 Christian Homekeeper Ministry Christian Support for Women
Sylvia and co-laborer Traci Knoppe and our husbands Mark and Mark have been online offering help, encouragement and instruction to women for 9 years.
<URL url="http://www.zionfire.com/">ZionFire Visual & Worship Arts ministry.
Dean & Helena Thomas are known for the ZionFire banners, psalmic worship leading and teaching.
02-28-2006, 10:14 AM
Recommended Non Member sites (who we hope will join us!)
<URL url="http://images.google.com/url?q=http://www.garments-of-praise.com/for_zions_sake.htm&ei=qZxCTq33JummsQLmy-m9CQ&sa=X&oi=unauthorizedredirect&ct=targetlink&ust=1312990129638806&usg=AFQjCNFZGLnFcn3aslcCGT0YlZrEoClMGA">Benote Zion Jean Mabry's ministry of painted silk banners, Garments of Praise!, and her dance team, Benote Zion. Children's dance team "For Zion's Sake" also featured.
<URL url="http://www.davidstent.org/index.htm">David's Tent Avner and Rachel Boskey live in Israel and have a ministry there as pastors, writers and musicians.
<URL url="http://www.flagworship.com/index.html">Flag Worship Joe Brown is known as "flag man" for a good reason. He has a unique ministry style that is dynamic and compelling.
<URL url="http://www.innercourtministries.org/index.html">Inner Court Ministries Karen Simmons is a consummate silk artist, garment designer and worship dancer.
<URL url="http://www.vhdance.org/">Valerie Henry Dance Ministries Valerie Henry was choreographer and principal dancer for the Feast of Tabernacles for many years.
<URL url="http://images.google.com/url?q=http://www.garments-of-praise.com/for_zions_sake.htm&ei=qZxCTq33JummsQLmy-m9CQ&sa=X&oi=unauthorizedredirect&ct=targetlink&ust=1312990129638806&usg=AFQjCNFZGLnFcn3aslcCGT0YlZrEoClMGA">Benote Zion Jean Mabry's ministry of painted silk banners, Garments of Praise!, and her dance team, Benote Zion. Children's dance team "For Zion's Sake" also featured.
<URL url="http://www.davidstent.org/index.htm">David's Tent Avner and Rachel Boskey live in Israel and have a ministry there as pastors, writers and musicians.
<URL url="http://www.flagworship.com/index.html">Flag Worship Joe Brown is known as "flag man" for a good reason. He has a unique ministry style that is dynamic and compelling.
<URL url="http://www.innercourtministries.org/index.html">Inner Court Ministries Karen Simmons is a consummate silk artist, garment designer and worship dancer.
<URL url="http://www.vhdance.org/">Valerie Henry Dance Ministries Valerie Henry was choreographer and principal dancer for the Feast of Tabernacles for many years.
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