List Of Books On Dance
08-11-2007, 07:59 AM
A long time ago, I promised to do a list of books on dance within christian or messianic contexts (christian dance, liturgical dance, praise dance, worship dance, davidic dance, call it what you like!).
So here it is, ordered by title.
I collect books on this subject, and I have included pretty much everything that I am aware of (I own most of them). It's important to note that the authors come from varying backgrounds and this will be reflected in their writings. Some I would not regard as theologically sound.
I'll try to keep the list updated as time goes by. A notable omission in the first version is books published by The Sharing Company. These will follow at a later date. If you know of any others, let me know and I'll add them to the list.
I have done a post on book sourcing, which you can find in the marketplace forum. If you need more information about a book (publisher, date, ISBN, etc) or are having trouble finding it, send me a PM and I'll do my best to help.
So here it is, ordered by title.
I collect books on this subject, and I have included pretty much everything that I am aware of (I own most of them). It's important to note that the authors come from varying backgrounds and this will be reflected in their writings. Some I would not regard as theologically sound.
I'll try to keep the list updated as time goes by. A notable omission in the first version is books published by The Sharing Company. These will follow at a later date. If you know of any others, let me know and I'll add them to the list.
I have done a post on book sourcing, which you can find in the marketplace forum. If you need more information about a book (publisher, date, ISBN, etc) or are having trouble finding it, send me a PM and I'll do my best to help.
08-11-2007, 08:00 AM
Books on dance - last updated 22 August 2007<LIST>
This last book is actually opposed to dance and drama in the church, but I've included it here for completeness. It is notable as the only book dedicated to this view that has been published in recent years.<LIST>
- <LI>
- A Bounty Of Passing Moments, Margaret Stephens</LI>
<LI> - A Dancing People, Adelaide Ortegel</LI>
<LI> - A Time To Dance, Barbara Knoll</LI>
<LI> - A Time To Dance - Symbolic Movement In Worship, Margaret Fisk Taylor</LI>
<LI> - All Israel Dances Towards The Tabernacle, Chester Anderson & Tina Clemens</LI>
<LI> - And A Child Shall Lead Them - Children In Spiritual Warfare Through Praise, Prayer, And Worship Dance, Heinke Maria Mehl</LI>
<LI> - Are There Any Dancers in the House?, Michelle Leaney</LI>
<LI> - Be Jubilant My Feet - Using Dance In Worship, Shona Dunlop Mactavish</LI>
<LI> - Breathe, Balance, and Stretch, Stephanie Butler</LI>
<LI> - Celebration - Banners Dance And Holiness In Worship, Lora Allison</LI>
<LI> - Choose Ye This Day Whom Ye Shall Serve - A Beginner's Guide For Teaching The Fundamentals Of Praise Dancing, Angela Williams</LI>
<LI> - Children's Ministry Guide To Using Dance And Drama, Ruth Alliston</LI>
<LI> - Christian Dance For Those Who Can't But Are Willing To Give It A Try, Carol Hathorne</LI>
<LI> - Christianity In Indian Dance Forms, Francis Peter Barboza</LI>
<LI> - Dance According To The Scriptures, Stine McDonald</LI>
<LI> - Dance And The Christian Faith, Martin Blogg</LI>
<LI> - Dance Before The Lord, Ron Dryden</LI>
<LI> - Dance, God's Holy Purpose, Ann Stevenson</LI>
<LI> - Dance With A Purpose, Sabrina McKenzie</LI>
<LI> - Dancing For God, Lucien Deiss & Gloria Weyman</LI>
<LI> - Dancing For Joy, Murray Silberling</LI>
<LI> - Dancing For The Lord, Lucien Deiss & Gloria Weyman</LI>
<LI> - Dancing Into The Anointing, Aimee Verduzco Kovacs</LI>
<LI> - Dancing In His Presence, Margaret Brewington Douglass</LI>
<LI> - Dancing In The Spirit - A Scriptural Study Of Liturgical Dance, Karen Curry</LI>
<LI> - Dare To Dance With Him, Paulette Rolle Alesnik</LI>
<LI> - Devotion In Motion, Joan Hake Robie</LI>
<LI> - Embodied Prayer, Celeste Snowber Schroeder</LI>
<LI> - Evidence That Calls Us To Dance, Patti Amsden</LI>
<LI> - Free To Dance - God's Purpose For The Dance, Eileen Schultz</LI>
<LI> - God's People On The Move, Mary Jones</LI>
<LI> - Healing In The Dance, Martin Blogg</LI>
<LI> - In Him We Move, Janet Randell</LI>
<LI> - Introducing Dance In Christian Worship, Robert Gagne</LI>
<LI> - Know How To Use Dance In Worship, Madeline Berry</LI>
<LI> - Let's Dance, Ron Dryden</LI>
<LI> - Liturgical Dance, J Davies</LI>
<LI> - Liturgical Dance Movement, Nell Challingsworth</LI>
<LI> - Liturgical Dance - A Practical Guide To Dancing In Worship, Deena Bess Sherman</LI>
<LI> - May I Have This Dance - New Testament Insights For God's Dancers, Ruth Ann Mayer</LI>
<LI> - My Body Is The Temple, Stephanie Butler</LI>
<LI> - Performer As Priest And Prophet - Restoring The Intuitive In Worship Through Music And Dance, Judith Rock</LI>
<LI> - Praise And Worship Dance, Sudie Smith</LI>
<LI> - Praise Him In The Dance, Anne Long</LI>
<LI> - Praise Him In The Dance, Regina Wright</LI>
<LI> - Praising God Through The Lively Arts, Linda Goens</LI>
<LI> - Pray With Hearts And Hands, Celeste Snowber Schroeder</LI>
<LI> - Praying With Body And Soul, Jane Vennard</LI>
<LI> - Rejoice - A Biblical Study Of The Dance, Debbie Roberts</LI>
<LI> - Religious Dances In The Christian Church And In Popular Medicine, E Louis Backman</LI>
<LI> - Restoring The Dance, Ann Stevenson</LI>
<LI> - Rivers Of Praise - Worship Through Movement, Rachel Moore</LI>
<LI> - Shall We Dance?, Anne Barton</LI>
<LI> - Step Into His Marvelous Light, Ruth Ann Mayer</LI>
<LI> - Steps Of Faith, Geoffrey & Judith Stevenson</LI>
<LI> - The Dance In Christianity - The History Of Religious Dance Through The Ages, Marilyn Daniels</LI>
<LI> - The Drama Of Dance In The Local Church, Emily Pardue</LI>
<LI> - The Liturgy As Dance And The Liturgical Dancer, Carolyn Deitering</LI>
<LI> - The Priesthood Of The Dance, Kina Nichols</LI>
<LI> - The Sacred Dance, WOE Oesterley</LI>
<LI> - The Theme Of My Praise - Choreography Skills For God's Dancers, Ruth Ann Mayer</LI>
<LI> - Time To Dance, Martin Blogg</LI>
This last book is actually opposed to dance and drama in the church, but I've included it here for completeness. It is notable as the only book dedicated to this view that has been published in recent years.<LIST>
- <LI>
- Shall We Dance?, Brian Edwards</LI>
08-11-2007, 10:45 AM
Wow...that's a great list. Some of my old faves on there and some I'm intrigued to check out. I'm pinning this topic so that it will be easy to find.
10-26-2007, 10:43 AM
<QUOTE author="Dave,Aug 11 2007, 08:00 AM">
Dave,Aug 11 2007, 08:00 AM Wrote:Books on dance - last updated 22 August 2007I have several of the books listed and to me the best I've read and learned from was " Rejoice - A Biblical Study Of The Dance, Debbie Roberts " I still use it after 15 years from my first read.
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